
Rock Garden Design

You can add beauty and curb appeal to your home by creating a rock garden. Rock gardens...

Soil Conservation Facts

Photo: Tree Hugger You may think soil conservation ends at building swales and taking...

Types Of Fertilizers

If you’ve always wanted a beautiful lawn or garden but haven’t had much luck...

Top 10 Air Purifying House Plants

Most people spend a majority of their time indoors in increasingly well-sealed buildings surrounded...

Growing Herbs Indoors

It's cold outside, but don't give up on growing fresh greens at home. There are a variety...

10 Questions To Ask A Gardener Before Hiring

If, like my parents, you have a simple, cookie-cutter front yard which mainly requires lawn...

Building The Perfect Cold Frame

If you live in a region with a short summer growing season, cold frames allow you to plant...

When Buying Garden Tools, Go Low-Tech

Home improvement warehouse stores are full of gadgets and devices aimed at easing your gardening...