Crafts & Projects

DIY Gift Ideas To Save Your Friends And Family Money

If you’re looking for DIY gift ideas this season, you’ll find a lot of talk about...

What Is An Arborist?

What’s an arborist? If you notice the similarity to Arbor Day, you can figure out the...

Popsicle Stick Projects Are Not Just For Kids

Somehow it's like asking which is your favorite part of an Oreo -- the chocolate cookie layers...

Pretty Clever Uses For An Ugly Old Sweater

Take the "ugh" out of ugly. If you have a sweater that you think is too unattractive and worn...

Genius Gifts To Craft From Leftover Flooring Scraps

When you have a new floor installed -- whether hardwood, tile, carpet, engineered wood, or...

Dazzle With Dip Dye Decor

Popular on Pinterest right now: everything dip dyed, from hair to home decor. What is dip dye,...

7 Dynamite DIY Charging Stations

New technology, new needs. These days it seems like every member of your household -- even...

9 Handy Hints For Hanging Wall Art

Ahhhh … smash … oops!! Those were the sounds you would have heard if you'd been...