Decks & Patios

Pool Deck Options

A flat gray concrete pool deck is no longer your only option, though it is still a solid choice....

Three Reasons Why Rooftop Decks Are Complicated To Build

Every few years a news story pops up about some building that has collapsed due to snow load...

All Hands On Deck!

A couple of days ago, I fired up the BBQ on my deck after months of winter hibernation. As...

Cheap Outdoor Carpet

Outdoor carpeting has come a long way from the days when all you could get was that kelly...

Wood Cleaning Tips

If your home has wood floors, then you’ll want to do everything you can to protect...

What Is The Cost To Build A Modest-Sized Deck?

Whether you live in a city like Bridgeport, where many of the houses are expected to have...

What To Know When Designing A Wood Deck

While adding a wood deck to extend your livable space can add value to your property, consider...

Help! My Deck Is Collapsing!

Oops! The deck collapsed. Photo by GSEC/Flickr. A deck collapse, in most contexts, means...