
Plan For Your Home Addition/Remodel Electrical Needs

Are you considering remodeling work or even an addition to your home? That's great -- we hope...

12 Ways Ceiling Fans Keep You Comfortable And Save Cash

Ceiling fans are back in a big way (and according to some folks, they never really left). These...

Troubleshooting A Power Outage

A power outage in your house or apartment is a major inconvenience -- that's one thing every...

DIY Statement Light Fixtures -- Fabulous And Frugal

There's nothing like a gorgeous new electric light fixture installation to power up your home...

8 FAQs About Electric Outlets And Switches

Are you building, renovating, or upgrading a house or a condo … or planning to, someday?...

4 Important Bathroom Exhaust Fan Facts

A well-functioning exhaust fan is a bathroom essential. It protects your bathroom from excess...

Understanding Electrical Inspection

What is the purpose of a residential electrical inspection? The electrical inspection verifies...

Who Can Fix My Whole House Fan?

A whole house fan is an efficient home cooling device, suitable for any homeowner who likes...