Pest Control

Solutions For Non-Toxic Termite Control

Prevent termites with a sand barrier. Credit: 5 Star Termite & Pest Control Termites...

How To Prevent Cockroaches

Cockroaches are some of the ugliest, most feared and bothersome pests. While all pests are...

Silverfish: Some Prevention Tips

Chances are good you’ve spotted a silverfish in your home at some point. If so, you...

Snake In The Basement? What To Do

I've spent a lot of time in the country ... and by "country" I mean the beautiful southern...

How To Eliminate Spiders

Spiders invoke fear in many people, especially when found inside the house. However, almost...

How Much Does It Cost To Have Squirrel Traps Placed In My Home?

Source: Flickr - HerryLawford While squirrels are cute, furry creatures, they can also be...

How To Get Rid Of The Stink Bugs In Your Home

The U.S. has tens of species of stink bugs – small flying insects that eat fruits and...

Subterranean Termites

Image A Image B Subterranean termites...

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