Pest Control

How To Trap & Get Rid Of Fruit Flies

Fruit flies are some of the most annoying pests around. They seem to appear out of nowhere...

How To Get Rid Of Squirrels

Squirrels are amusing to watch when they’re chasing each other down a fence and energetically...

How Do I Get Rid Of Sand Flies?

source: Flickr – bobsacks Sand flies are pesky, blood-sucking, biting insects that...

What Are Hairy, Crazy Ants?

source: Flickr: James Bowe A number of Southeastern states have recently experienced...

How To Get Rid Of Cockroaches

Cockroaches are both annoying and dangerous. Cockroach killing is important to avoid the...

Effective Live Mouse Traps

There are dozens of choices when shopping for a live mouse trap. They range in...

Silverfish: Some Prevention Tips

Chances are good you’ve spotted a silverfish in your home at some point. If so, you...

Skunk Control

Watching cartoon skunks is fun. Passing real skunks on the highway is mildly annoying....

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