Pest Control

20 Things You Can Do With Dish Soap

Call it economy, frugality, thriftiness, or just plain prudence. The bottom line is same: in...

9 Facts About Mice

Lots of people think they’re terrifying, while others find them cute and cuddly. Whatever...

Household Uses For Cayenne Pepper

The fiery bite of cayenne pepper can make food sing with flavor, but did you know that this...

14 Household Uses For Beer

Most of us don’t usually think of beer as an earth-friendly alternative for improving...

Summer Pest Control: Ant Types

It may seem like there are three ant types — little red ones, little black ones and big...

Where Ant Colonies Hide In Your House

Ants usually live in wood or soil outdoors, and only march into your home to gather food, particularly...

Pest Control: Preventing Stink Bugs

The name says it all: the smell of a squished stink bug can clear a room. However, the good...

Carpet Beetles

Carpet beetles, also known as varied carpet beetles, are common household pests found under...

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