Pest Control

Snake In The Basement? What To Do

I've spent a lot of time in the country ... and by "country" I mean the beautiful southern...

How Much Does It Cost To Have Squirrel Traps Placed In My Home?

Source: Flickr - HerryLawford While squirrels are cute, furry creatures, they can also be...

Venomous Household Spiders

Yellow Sac Spider (left) and Hobo Spider Yellow sac and hobo spiders are both venomous spiders...

Bedroom Design In The Age Of Bedbugs

Bedbugs have invaded the East Coast and are marching west. This week, homeowners in Beverly...

100% Effective Bed Bug Treatment Found In MA

Patrick Dente, co-owner of Abatem Exterminating in Massachusetts and Vermont, was sitting with...

How To Find And Eliminate Bed Bugs

If you’ve ever woken up with a line of small red bites on your skin, you’ve probably...

Prevent Summer Pantry Pests

As we enter the season of warmth and fun in the sun, we are also welcoming a whole host of...

When Swallows Nest Under Your Eaves

One sure indication that spring has arrived is the chirp and flutter of our winged friends....

Top Cities Covered by our Exterminators