Family & Pets

Mother's Day Gift Guide For Home Improvement Fans

Mother's Day is an opportunity to give a gift from the heart. Or maybe from the workshop?...

Building The Ultimate DIY Fort

There is no point in life in which forts cease to be fun. Take almost any activity that you...

Modern Dog Bowls For Stylish Pups

While dogs themselves cannot be trendy, their owners sure can be. These are dog bowls for the...

Humane And Healthy Doghouse Ideas

There are hundreds of dog houses to choose from on the market. If you have decided you want...

How To Be An Eco-Friendly Pet Owner

Those of us who are fond of the environment and our pets sometimes feel like eco-traitors,...

Can A House Calm A Hyperactive Kid?

“The first thing your home needs if you have a hyperactive child is to be as free of...

Ferret Odors 101: A Guide For New Ferret Owners

Perhaps you’ve had a similar experience as Renee Mendez of Sunderland, MA. One day...

Beginning To Keep Goats At Home

If you have room for goats, farmer Marty Johnson in Fort Bragg, California highly recommends...