Family & Pets

11 Fire Features For Fun Summer Nights

From DIY fire pit decks to custom stone work, your options are wide open if you're thinking...

Four Ways To Keep Pets Safe On July Fourth

It's so easy to forget the whereabouts of a pet on July 4th. Between manning the grill, watching...

Five Ways To Use A Small Urban Backyard

City dwellers often rely on botanical gardens and city parks for their outdoor fix, but many...

Carpet Smells Like Dog

I love my dog. I love him with all of my heart, even though he hogs the bed and his untamable...

Gardening Gifts For Mom

Mothers who garden might be the most fun to buy gifts for. There are so many unexpected, beautiful,...

Humane And Healthy Doghouse Ideas

There are hundreds of dog houses to choose from on the market. If you have decided you want...

How To Be An Eco-Friendly Pet Owner

Those of us who are fond of the environment and our pets sometimes feel like eco-traitors,...

Can A House Calm A Hyperactive Kid?

“The first thing your home needs if you have a hyperactive child is to be as free of...