Family & Pets

How To Get Your Significant Other To Help Clean

One of the more common issues that often rears its head among couples is who cleans and who...

Ten Fascinating Facts About Cats

People love their pets. Be it a cat, dog, hamster or goldfish, most U.S. residents have some...

Helping A Rescued Greyhound Adjust To Life At Home

Greyhound racing is a controversial sport, and there are many people who choose to adopt the...

FUN AT HOME: Food Science Experiments

Fun food science experiments are a staple of childhood. We all remember the “vinegar and...

Pet Ownership: Pee On The Floor And Gouged Front Doors

As a homeowner and lifelong pet owner, I know all too well how the cute antics of a new puppy...

Pets: Options For Doggie Doors

All good dog owners want to take the best possible care of their little (or not so little)...

Home Flu-Proofing Myths, Busted

Flu season is in full swing, which means many people will be desperately trying to flu-proof...

Best Dog Breeds For Home Protection

Nearly any dog can be trained to protect a home. However, certain species have been bred as...