Family & Pets

Helping A Rescued Greyhound Adjust To Life At Home

Greyhound racing is a controversial sport, and there are many people who choose to adopt the...

Eddie's Wheels: Freedom For Disabled Dogs

If your dog has become injured or is experiencing a disability that affects his ability to...

FUN AT HOME: Food Science Experiments

Fun food science experiments are a staple of childhood. We all remember the “vinegar and...

Designer Picks: Dog Chairs

Man’s best friend comes in all shapes and sizes, much like mankind itself. Dogs love us ...

Pet Ownership: Pee On The Floor And Gouged Front Doors

As a homeowner and lifelong pet owner, I know all too well how the cute antics of a new puppy...

Pets: Options For Doggie Doors

All good dog owners want to take the best possible care of their little (or not so little)...

Home Flu-Proofing Myths, Busted

Flu season is in full swing, which means many people will be desperately trying to flu-proof...

Best Dog Breeds For Home Protection

Nearly any dog can be trained to protect a home. However, certain species have been bred as...