
Create A Master Bedroom Retreat With 8 Simple Tweaks

Sometimes I feel a little sorry for master bedrooms. They get lost in the shuffle, what with...

Not All Wood Floors Are Equal: Some Aren’t Even Wood

What exactly is a “wood floor” anyway? And what are the differences among new...

Must-Have Accessories For Deck, Patio Or Porch

The mere phrase “deck, patio, or porch” should be enough to warm the heart if you’ve...

5 Floor Problems (Oh No!) And Their Fixes (Oh Yes!)

Presenting 5 common floor problems and simple fixes to solve them. 1. Slippery ceramic tile...

Pick The Right Flooring For The Climate Where You Live

Broiling, freezing, moist and muggy, dry as a bone ... or somewhere in between. Whatever the...

5 Ways To Warm Up Your Cold Floors (and Cold Feet!)

Help! Cold floor alert! Cold floors -- and cold feet -- are a common complaint in winter, and...

Simple Carpet Cleaning Hacks For Holiday Food Spills

Mmm ... cozy! An elegantly carpeted living room provides a warm atmosphere for entertaining...

Genius Gifts To Craft From Leftover Flooring Scraps

When you have a new floor installed -- whether hardwood, tile, carpet, engineered wood, or...

Top Cities Covered by our Flooring Contractors