
12 Foods That You Didn't Know You Could Grill

Hear ye hear ye! Grilling season has begun! Yes, its presence has graced us a bit prematurely...

We Tested It: Alternative Uses For Fast Food Products

The original intent of this article was to explore possible uses for fast food other than eating....

How To Pay Less For Healthy Food

Is healthy eating expensive? Well . . . yes and no. “Expensive” is a relative term,...

The Top Five Unusual Household Uses For Cola

But first, it’s confession time again. See, I don’t actually drink cola. . . ever....

How To Make Do With A Poorly Equipped Apartment Kitchen

If you live in an apartment, there’s a high percentage chance that you don’t have...

8 Ways To Make Organic DIY Food Coloring

The 21st century world is a very unnatural time to live in. And for the most part, that’s...

Putting Your Citrus Fruit To Use Around The House

As far as I’m concerned, winter doesn’t have many redeeming qualities. When I moved...

The Art Of Making Perfect Tacos At Home

My favorite of Jimmy Fallon's "Thank You Notes" is the one thanking hard taco shells for staying...