Going Green

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFL)

The many shapes and sizes of CFL bulbs. CFL bulbs (compact fluorescent light bulbs) are...

Solar Roof Shingles

Read more here about alternative energy Solar roof shingles are slowly making their way...

How Much Does Geothermal Heating Cost?

Geothermal heating is a great way to cut heating costs in the cold winter months by harnessing...

11 Ways To Control Weeds Without Chemicals

Weeds are many home gardeners’ biggest enemy. Roundup and other chemicals may seem like...

Permaculture: Work Smarter, Not Harder

I wanted to investigate permaculture to find out if it was something best left to "progressive"...

Cutting The Costs Of Home Heating

Lowering the thermostat by one degree Fahrenheit can cut heating costs by three percent;...

Best Energy-Efficient Heating Systems

Heating accounts for more than 30 percent of the energy used in the average home. Consider...

Energy Efficient Window Frames

Old, drafty windows can cause up to 50 percent of heat loss in the winter, and at least...