Going Green

Uses For Eggshells That Would Make Grandma Smile

My introduction to recycling happened in my grandmother's garden. Granddad was a big-city veterinarian...

Downsize Without Leaving Your Home

How to downsize means different things to different people. It may involve selling your house...

Don’t Bag Those Grass Clippings – Use Them!

Like it or not, cutting the grass is a chore that needs to be done on a regular basis by anyone...

Pop-up Passive House!

As the passive house trend spreads globally, with people building homes inspired by the standard...

Meet Modular Green Roofing

Living roofs, also sometimes called green roofs, are pretty awe-inspiring. The thought of all...

Home Depot Wants Your Old Christmas Lights

We know it's only early November, but signs of the winter holidays are everywhere around us,...

We Tested It: Eco-Friendly Cleaning: Cream Of Tartar

I’d been hearing this buzz in my hippie circles about making all kinds of awesome eco-friendly...

Ideas For Transforming Trash Into Furniture

"Trash to treasure" is one of those phrases which motivates DIY furniture builders. What could...