Going Green

Energy-Saving Lights: Options For Outdoor Lighting

When it comes to lighting, consumers have hundreds if not thousands of choices. While many...

Converting From Oil Heat To Gas Heat

We’re not sure if it is worth it to convert from oil heat to gas heat. Although plumbers...

Tips For Buying An Energy Efficient House

Buying an energy efficient home can be a great investment that will save you money on energy...

Choosing A Sustainable House To Rent Or Buy

Whether looking to buy or rent, the housing search has only become more complicated in the...

Animal-Free Fertilizers For Your Healthy Home Garden

Did you know that many of the traditional organic fertilizers, for hobby home gardeners, for...

CFL Vs. LED Lightbulbs: The Great Debate

Unless there is some big action by conservatives to repeal Bush administration legislation...

Composting Toilets: Not Gross At All

When you hear the words “compost toilet,” there’s a good chance you immediately...

Making Your Pool More Environmentally-Friendly

Pools and other water features like fountains and ponds are pretty seriously inefficient when...