Going Green

Non-toxic Pest Control Vs. Professional

Getting rid of pests can be tricky, but you should know that you have many different pest...

Are Green Cleaning Products Really Green?

As concern for the environment and home safety increases, consumers are demanding non-toxic...

Building Green With Concrete

Concrete is perhaps the most common construction material in the world. The US Geological...

Monitor Your Home Power Consumption

There is no shortage of advice for reducing electricity use, but how do you know if your...

Affordable Eco Sofas

Affordable Eco-Friendly Sofas Even though it's still difficult to find an eco sofa anywhere...

High Efficiency Toilets

Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to purchase an ugly toilet in order to create a...

Green Underlaying Materials For Floating Floors

Sustainable flooring should start under your floorboards. There are plenty of green underlay...

Disposing Of E-waste

Computers have become indispensable -- and in their early years, were virtually un-disposable....