Maintenance & Tools

Chipped Plaster Is An Easy DIY Fix

There’s just one problem with plaster (the wall finish of choice before drywall rose...

Broken Doorbell Troubleshooting And Repair

It’s amazing what a problem a broken doorbell can be. You’re likely to miss drop-in...

Don’t Let A Small Hole In The Roof Turn Into A Big Problem

A hole in your roof can be truly bad news unless you get prompt repair. To detect any possible...

Roof Maintenance Tips For The End Of Summer

The last lingering weeks of warm temperatures are the perfect time for swimming, picnics...

Lawn Aerator Benefits And Tips

Do you want a healthier, greener, lusher lawn? If your grass is looking less than its best,...

What Is An Arborist?

What’s an arborist? If you notice the similarity to Arbor Day, you can figure out the...

Tree Care – DIY Or Call A Pro?

Did you know that – just like human beings -- trees can feel stress? Newly planted...

AC Not Cooling? Try This Handy AC Troubleshooting Guide

It always seems to happen this way – you come home after a long hot summer day working,...