Maintenance & Tools

For Energy Efficiency, Replace Your Windows Last

When most people think about energy efficiency, once they stop talking about solar panels,...

Five Ways Your House Can Ruin A Date

So you think you’re ready to invite a potential romantic interest over to your home,...

How To Fix A Doorknob That's Come Loose

Reaching to open a door and having the knob actually come off in your hand is like a scene...

How To Use A Jackhammer Without Dying

Concrete is some tough stuff. You start with a bag of gray-looking sandy gravel mix, add...

A Guide To Accepting Your Imperfect House

If you are the sort of person that believes that everything in life has something to teach...

Busting 3 Green Insulation Myths

There is no free insulation lunch. Super-magic foil insulation won’t do what salespeople...

Simple Tips For Maintaining Common Problem Areas In Your Home

Maintaining a home can be time consuming, but it is ultimately more efficient than making repairs....

A Green Contractor Talks Bathroom Mold

The last thing that you want to deal with when buying, selling or living in a house is mold,...