Maintenance & Tools

5 Ways To Warm Up Your Cold Floors (and Cold Feet!)

Help! Cold floor alert! Cold floors -- and cold feet -- are a common complaint in winter, and...

Watch Out For These Sneaky Signs Of Water Damage

Water damage is one of a homeowner's worst nightmares. Even the smallest plumbing or roof leak...

Home Snow Removal: Removing Snow From Your House & Yard

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Well, maybe not. A white wintry wonderland is lovely,...

Insulate Your Roof To Stay Warm And Save Cash

Brrr! It's getting cold out there. And yikes! Your heating bills are starting to climb sky...

10 Tips To Stop Plumbing Emergencies Before They Start

Like most folks, you probably take your home’s plumbing system for granted – that...

Solve The Mystery Of Those Weird Noises Your Home Makes

Creak ... squeak ... groan ... eek ... sometimes it sounds almost as if your house is alive....

9 Handy Hints For Hanging Wall Art

Ahhhh … smash … oops!! Those were the sounds you would have heard if you'd been...

Does A Brand New Home Keep Its Value?

No doubt about it, a newly constructed home has tremendous appeal. Everything is fresh and...