Maintenance & Tools

Newbie Guide To Gas Fireplace Maintenance

Okay, okay, it’s true – I have a very healthy dose of caution when it comes to...

Get Your Fireplace In Great Shape For The Holidays

A blazing fire and a fresh dusting of snow form the perfect backdrop to the winter holidays,...

A Too-Sunny Room: Why It’s A Problem, What You Can Do

I know, I know, first-world problems, right? But when you move into the home of your dreams,...

Kitchen Basics: Refurbish Or Remodel?

Kitchen remodeling can be one of the most exciting and dramatic ways to change your house for...

5 Ways To Warm Up Your Cold Floors (and Cold Feet!)

Help! Cold floor alert! Cold floors -- and cold feet -- are a common complaint in winter, and...

Home Snow Removal: Removing Snow From Your House & Yard

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Well, maybe not. A white wintry wonderland is lovely,...

Insulate Your Roof To Stay Warm And Save Cash

Brrr! It's getting cold out there. And yikes! Your heating bills are starting to climb sky...

9 Handy Hints For Hanging Wall Art

Ahhhh … smash … oops!! Those were the sounds you would have heard if you'd been...