Maintenance & Tools

Help! I Can't Find A Handyman In My Area.

Here is why you might be saying “I can’t find a handyman in my area”: Handymen...

How To Protect Your House From Lightning

Did you know lightning kills more people per year in America than tornadoes and hurricanes...

Tips For Rebuilding A Flooded Home

Hello, Midwesterners, and anyone else who is looking at the prospect of rebuilding a flooded...

Simple Weatherizing For Summer

Weatherizing a home to reduce energy usage and maximize savings is something homeowners think...

Water Drips From Bathroom Exhaust Fan

Have you noticed lately that water drips from the bathroom exhaust fan or the joint around...

Help! I Need A Handyman!

Find yourself thinking “I need a handyman” when you’re facing down a household...

1 Cool Trick For Stripping Veneer Without Power Tools

Have you experienced this? You find a table at the thrift store that looks perfect for rehabbing,...

Five Things You Can Do To Bring Spring Into Your House

Spring is on its way. If you want to get a head start on the season, and push away winter's...