Maintenance & Tools

How To Fix A Leaking Garden Hose

Where is your garden hose leaking from? The location of the leak will define how you'll fix...

How To Get Grease Off A Driveway

All winter long, your car took a beating. There was salt; there was sand; there was that time...

Water Drips From Bathroom Exhaust Fan

Have you noticed lately that water drips from the bathroom exhaust fan or the joint around...

How To Clear Ice From Your Sidewalk

In quite a few municipalities, the onus is on homeowners (and building owners) to clear snow...

What To Do When There Is A Bathroom Ceiling Leak

If the ceiling's going to leak in any finished room of the house, it might as well be the bathroom....

What To Know Before You Hang A Flat Screen TV

If you've ever been to Graceland, you've undoubtedly seen the TV room with its three televisions...

8 Really Good Tips For Hanging Curtains

Curtains add to the beauty of the room and are as important to the finished design as art and...

The Art Of Scything

Scything may seem like an antiquated method of harvest and weed control, but improved tools...