Health & Safety

Indoor Plants Bring Summer To Your Office

Summer’s here but you’re stuck inside at the office. Sound familiar? What to do...

Can You Burn Wood In A Gas Fireplace?

Say you’ve got this very nice gas fireplace. It looks great in your living room and produces...

Freeze Thaw Cycles: How They Hurt Homes

What are freeze thaw cycles? Although the northern United States is famous -- or infamous...

Advantages Of Cork Flooring

Resilient like linoleum with the elegance of real hardwood, cork flooring is gaining popularity...

The Common Cold: What You Need To Know

Drifting snowflakes, hot chocolate by the fireside, holiday season … winter can be...

Pink Mold Removal And Prevention In The Bathroom

If you have pink stains in your shower and pinkish sludge on your shower curtain, then you’re...

Wasp Nest And Wasp Sting Solutions

Have you ever been stung by a wasp? Believe me, it’s an unforgettably painful experience....

Tree Disease Treatment For The Amateur Arborist

Are your trees looking less than their best? They may be suffering from some form of tree...