Health & Safety

7 Outdoor Lighting Tips To Keep You Safe This Summer

Lively parties on the patio or romantic tete-a-tetes under the trees are a huge part of what...

6 Ideas For A Child Friendly Bathroom Remodel You’ll Love Too

An upcoming bathroom remodel offers the golden opportunity to install all the features that...

Survey Shows Why A Wet Basement Is Bad News And How To Avoid It

Whether you rent or own, the verdict comes out the same – living in a home with a wet...

Get Your Fireplace In Great Shape For The Holidays

A blazing fire and a fresh dusting of snow form the perfect backdrop to the winter holidays,...

Must-Have Accessories For Deck, Patio Or Porch

The mere phrase “deck, patio, or porch” should be enough to warm the heart if you’ve...

5 Floor Problems (Oh No!) And Their Fixes (Oh Yes!)

Presenting 5 common floor problems and simple fixes to solve them. 1. Slippery ceramic tile...

5 Ways To Warm Up Your Cold Floors (and Cold Feet!)

Help! Cold floor alert! Cold floors -- and cold feet -- are a common complaint in winter, and...

13 Things You May Not Be Allowed To Do In Your Backyard

A man's -- or woman's -- home is their castle, correct? Well … sometimes. Although you...