Health & Safety

Top 10 Air Purifying House Plants

Most people spend a majority of their time indoors in increasingly well-sealed buildings surrounded...

Is Your House Making You Depressed?

There are an estimated 18.8 million adults in America diagnosed with some type of depressive...

10 Tips For Gardening With A Bad Back

Gardening is a favorite pastime of many Americans. It's an opportunity to breathe fresh air,...

Is It Safe To Microwave?

The convenience of microwave ovens is undeniable, particularly with newer under-counter and...

Is Your Air Cleaner Making Your Air Quality Worse?

Ozone can be good or bad ... depending on where it is. The good ozone exists 10-30 miles above...

Celebrities Who Don't Use Air Conditioning

Air conditioning has become standard for the vast majority of homes and businesses in recent...

4 Reasons Why Your Damp House Is Wrecking Your Health

A little leak isn't something to ignore. Whether the leakage is coming from a hole in your...

The Dirty Truth About Your TV Remote Control

You may be the most clean conscious person in your household, but you're probably still living...