Health & Safety

10 Tips For Gardening With A Bad Back

Gardening is a favorite pastime of many Americans. It's an opportunity to breathe fresh air,...

Is It Safe To Microwave?

The convenience of microwave ovens is undeniable, particularly with newer under-counter and...

Is Your Air Cleaner Making Your Air Quality Worse?

Ozone can be good or bad ... depending on where it is. The good ozone exists 10-30 miles above...

4 Reasons Why Your Damp House Is Wrecking Your Health

A little leak isn't something to ignore. Whether the leakage is coming from a hole in your...

Insulating Your House Against Electrical Fire Dangers

In a previous article, we listed the top causes of electrical accidents and told you about...

Top Causes Of Electrical Accidents

The majority of electrical safety hazards can be prevented. Just use a combination of basic...

The Dirty Truth About Your TV Remote Control

You may be the most clean conscious person in your household, but you're probably still living...

Vinyl Siding Health Dangers

Is it safe to install vinyl siding? An expert on green building reports that while vinyl can...