Heating & Cooling

Cutting The Costs Of Home Heating

Lowering the thermostat by one degree Fahrenheit can cut heating costs by three percent;...

Should You Replace Your Boiler?

You could replace almost every older appliance and gadget in your home with a more efficient...

Compare Thermostat Types

A new thermostat can help you use your air conditioner and furnace more efficiently and even...

Best Energy-Efficient Heating Systems

Heating accounts for more than 30 percent of the energy used in the average home. Consider...

How To Choose A New Furnace

New furnaces are up to 40 percent more energy-efficient than 20-year-old furnaces. That translates...

Pros And Cons Of Common Heating Systems

When you are choosing a new heating system for your home, consider the cost and energy efficiency...

DIY Electrical: Installing A Ceiling Fan

Replacing an existing light fixture with a ceiling fan is only slightly more challenging than...

How To Use Space Heaters Efficiently

A small electric space heater can save you money on energy bills. If you use a portable heater...