Heating & Cooling

5 Ways To Keep Your House Cool

Give your HVAC system a break and increase its longevity by making sure your house is...

Is A Mini Air Conditioner Right For You?

Stay cool this summer, even if a conventional central air conditioning system or a window...

The Most Efficient HVAC Filters

Whether you live in a cold city like Chicago and you're turning up the heat for the winter...

Pleated Air Filters

Pleated air filters are one of the most common filters for home heating and cooling systems....

How To Prepare Your HVAC System For Winter

source: flickr – CarbonNYC As winter approaches and temperatures drop, you’ll...

What Is A Split Air Conditioner System?

Everyone likes to come home to a refreshingly cool house in the summertime heat and humidity....

Home Ventilation Basics

Ventilation, the "V" in HVAC, is what keeps the air in your home healthy. A home without...

How To Build A Hot Fire

The key to using a wood stove efficiently is to build a hot fire. Isn't all fire hot? Yes,...