Heating & Cooling

Yearly HVAC Filter Changing Schedule

In the old days, the only filter most folks had to worry about was in their furnace, but now...

How Much And Where Should An Air Conditioning Unit Drip?

All room air conditioners drip — or at least they should. However, drips in the wrong...

The Best Options For Cooling Bedrooms This Summer

Most people in most climates can tolerate hot days in the summertime (if allowed to complain...

High Velocity Vs. Low Velocity Air Conditioning Systems

So you think your air conditioner is pretty cool, right? What if we told you it is a low-velocity...

When To Replace Your Air Conditioning System

Chances are good that your air conditioner is inefficient and oversized if it is more than...

10 Air Conditioning Mistakes To Avoid

For most homes in warm climates, air conditioning uses more electricity than any other use...

Why Lowering Your Heat Could Damage Your House

There's no question that lowering your thermostat in winter is a good way to save money on...

Improving Indoor Air Quality During The Well-Sealed Winter Months

After decades of neglect by the homebuilding industry, indoor air quality is finally getting...