Heating & Cooling

10 Air Conditioning Mistakes To Avoid

For most homes in warm climates, air conditioning uses more electricity than any other use...

12 Ways To Keep The Cold Outside

Let's be honest, cold weather is great for skiing and pond hockey, but at home it's really...

Why Lowering Your Heat Could Damage Your House

There's no question that lowering your thermostat in winter is a good way to save money on...

Improving Indoor Air Quality During The Well-Sealed Winter Months

After decades of neglect by the homebuilding industry, indoor air quality is finally getting...

How To Clean An A/C Condenser

An important part of maintaining your central air conditioning system is cleaning the air...

What To Do When The Heat Isn't Working

If you follow all the steps below and your heat is still not working, then you will probably...

HEPA Filters

Find out more about purchasing HEPA HVAC filters at troyfilters.com HEPA (high efficiency...

Relight The Pilot Light & Get Your Furnace Back To Work

Has your gas furnace gone out, leaving you freeeeezing? It's easy to relight the pilot light...