Interior Design

The Rabbit Hole Of Decor

Lewis Carroll's classic novel has been captivating minds for generations, and it's been inspiring...

2014 Color Of The Year: Radiant Orchid

If you're a color nerd, you've been waiting for this moment all year: Pantone's reveal of the...

Using Color To Set The Mood In Your Home

The use of color in a room can change it dramatically. Many people know that cool colors (like...

Fun Decor Ideas: Pantone's 2013 Color Of The Year

Pantone, the color authority in the design industry, has chosen bold colors the last few years...

How To Display Fake Flowers Without Looking Tacky

I had never seen fake flowers that didn't look fake until I saw these ideas from DIY bloggers....

Five DIY Laundry Room Storage Ideas

I know, I know. Your laundry room is dank and dull. Dust bunnies spin beneath the ironing...

Modern Wall Stencils That Rock

Is stenciling a little bit arts and crafts? Like, I used to be friends with this “fine...

3 Ways To Turn Pine Cones Into Sparkly Decor

Sparkly pine cones are such a thing now. You can glitter your face. You can glitter your eyeliner....