Life Advice

Ten Questions To Ask Before Signing A Lease

Everyone has heard horror stories of apartment rentals gone bad, whether due to a barking pit...

Tips For Buying A House In A Rural Area

Making a major relocation can come with a lot of unexpected things to think about, especially...

Choosing A Sustainable House To Rent Or Buy

Whether looking to buy or rent, the housing search has only become more complicated in the...

Settling Into A Home After Being Released From Prison

Depending on how long you were in jail and the type of crime you committed, you will need to...

Seven Tips For Townhouse Living

The townhouse -- sometimes called a "row home," and regionally referred to as a "terrace house"...

10 Steps To Simpler Living

When chatting with some friends or clients, it's not uncommon to hear them say that they are...

The Top 10 Bachelor Pad Mistakes

Between the squalor and the haphazard design choices, the average bachelor pad is not a pretty...

10 Essential Kitchen Tools For Healthy Cooking

Cooking at home is a huge step toward eating healthier. You are in control of the ingredients...