Life Advice

10 Tips To Stop Plumbing Emergencies Before They Start

Like most folks, you probably take your home’s plumbing system for granted – that...

How To Save Money On Home Heating This Winter

When the weather turns nippy outdoors, it's nice to feel warm and cozy inside your home. Trouble...

Buy Or Rent A Home? 10 Points To Ponder

"Buy as much house as you can afford and work hard till you pay it off," went the traditional...

Rent, Don’t Own, To Simplify Your Life

"The more you have the more you want" may be a truism but like most truisms, this simple sentence...

Downsize Without Leaving Your Home

How to downsize means different things to different people. It may involve selling your house...

Why Curb Appeal Matters

Curb appeal is a hot topic for anyone hoping to sell a property. “You never get a second...

Making Modern Architecture Blend In

Ever walk down the block and see a new house sticking out like a sore thumb? It's a particularly...

Tips For Finding The Right Roommate

Roommates are hard to find. Let me rephrase that. Good roommates are hard to find. It is very...