Life Hacks

Recycled Lanterns For Summer Nights

It's summertime! We're talking midsummer! The nights are short, but they're hot. It's the perfect...

Ideas For Transforming Trash Into Furniture

"Trash to treasure" is one of those phrases which motivates DIY furniture builders. What could...

12 Clever Household Uses For Dental Floss

Dental floss is something you should always have around – and hopefully you’re...

7 Clever Uses For Old Colanders

I love the look that’s achieved by repurposing old kitchen gadgets into knew, beauti...

11 Ways To Open A Stuck Jar Lid

All you want is a kosher dill. You can see it, trapped within its glassy cave, taunting you...

16 Ways To Open A Beer Bottle Without A Bottle Opener

It’s summer. A nice cold one would go down awfully well, but where’s that bottle...

Repurpose & Recycle: Cool Uses For Old Silverware

Vintage silverware, or any old silverware, is a gift! You can use it to create so many whimsical...

Clever Uses For Plastic Drinking Straws

Have you ever pried a straw out of the mouth of a young child, only to find it macerated and...