Life Hacks

Home Economy: 14 Uses For Wax Paper

Wax paper is near and dear to the hearts of cooks, bakers and candy makers, but it has a ton...

10 Uses For Plastic Pill Bottles

I’m a pretty progressive gal. I make “Socially Conscious, Totally Fabulous”...

20 Ways To Soothe Yourself With Aloe Vera

I was raised in southern California, where it’s standard practice to keep a sun-loving aloe...

9 Uses For Old Jeans

There’re few things more comfortable than a beloved, broken-in pair of jeans. But some...

10 Uses For Dry Cleaning Hangers

If you dry clean your clothes on a regular basis, you know that those ubiquitous wire hangers...

12 Ways To Up-cycle Plastic Bags

The scourge of landfills and the enemy of environmentalists, plastic bags have been much...

Top 20 Things To Do With Old Plastic Drink Bottles

Plastic grocery bags and plastic water bottles – those disposable environmental nightmares...

9 Ways To Use Rice Around The House

My Trader Joe’s recently started carrying organic brown rice, which made me a very happy...