Life Hacks

We Tested It: Cleaning The House With Toothpaste

The one lie that I told my husband while we were dating was that I am a good housekeeper. The...

DIY Foot Odor Remedies

Admit it. Sometimes your feet smell. It's OK. We won't tell anyone. You don't even have to...

We Tested It: DIY Garlic Breath Remedies

As a foodie, I’ve long since gotten over the conventional fear of garlic. I know how...

Household Uses For Cayenne Pepper

The fiery bite of cayenne pepper can make food sing with flavor, but did you know that this...

10 Ways To Replace Disposable Beverage Containers

Supermarkets, gas stations, restaurants and coffee shops are full of disposable beverage containers,...

15 Problems You Can Solve With Oatmeal

At a recent morning bike event, a company was handing out sample packets of savory oatmeal...

10 Alternative Ways To Store Toilet Paper

Most of us just put our toilet paper on a standard spindle holder mounted with two brackets...

11 Uses For Wine Bottles

Wine bottles are just one of those things that tend to collect around the house. Certainly...