
Four Painting Shortcuts That Will Cost You Long Term

Most people would agree that building a home on a cracked and crumbling foundation is not the...

Secrets Of Saving Paint For Later

No matter how careful we are, there comes a time when even a crisp, clean paint job will need...

How To Remove A Popcorn Ceiling: The (Mostly) Painless Guide

Popcorn, or “acoustic” ceilings, were very popular in the 60’s and 70’s....

Playing Up Exterior Architectural Features With Paint

One mantra of decorating is that paint is a cheap way to spruce up your space. This is certainly...

Design Ideas: 7 Ways To Paint Wood Floors

When asked what is the single thing one can do to change the look of a space, the answer invariably...

Oil Based Paint Vs Latex

Latex, or water-based, paints dominate the home paint industry for both interior and exterior...

Painting: Choosing A Paint Scraper

When it comes to a good paint job, nothing will improve the quality of the finished product...

Painting: A Beginner's Guide To Choosing Interior Colors

So, you have a white room, or a purple room, and you know you really have to do something about...