
Is Your Home Dying?

Peeling Paint and the Plastic Bag Effect Photo credit: A prominent...

How To Avoid Silica Exposure When Sandblasting

Sandblasting is a process used primarily for three purposes: 1) to remove paint and other...

Which Shine Is The Right Shine?

Paint comes in a very wide spectrum of colors, and that's what people usually think about...

Color Wheel Guide To Paint Colors

Photo of color wheel by Jasmic/Flickr. Paint can mean the difference between a decorating...

How To Dispose Of Paint

When you trash latex paints, make sure they're dried before you toss them. Are you planning...

Exterior Painting Preparation Tips

Save time and money. Take the extra time to prepare properly for your exterior painting project....

When To Hire An Exterior Painting Company

Photo credit: Vision Painting Company Exterior painting companies can help you give...

Faux Painting/Finishing

Painting a room or even a wall in your home is always a great way to give your home a...