
Paint Your Home A Color You’ll Love

Painting your home’s exterior is quite an undertaking. It has tremendous potential to...

FAQs: How To Prevent And Clean Up Mold

Whether it occurs in summer or in winter, mold in your home is not only unsightly, it is also...

Mixed Opinions On Painting Vintage Furniture

There is a movement currently afoot to rescue vintage furniture. Old wooden dressers, vanities,...

Matte Vs Glossy Paint

Which sheen of paint to use is the eternal question of DIY painters (not to mention conscientious...

2014 Color Of The Year: Radiant Orchid

If you're a color nerd, you've been waiting for this moment all year: Pantone's reveal of the...

5 Fun Painted Furniture Projects

I love the look of creative painted furniture projects. Truly crafty people can come up with...

Give Pastels A Chance

Ugh, pastels, right? Watery, bland, utterly boring, and completely beyond redemption. No one...

Painting Textured Walls

Whether you just applied a texture to your walls, you're painting over walls with a plastered...