
REAL HOME SAGA: The Deck Permit

Home-improvement stores and home-and-garden TV shows often encourage novice homeowners to challenge...

Designer Picks: Landline Phones

While it may seem that the cell phone has completely taken over, many homeowners still hold...

Designer Picks: Dog Chairs

Man’s best friend comes in all shapes and sizes, much like mankind itself. Dogs love us ...

18 Trees With Beautiful Bark

I look forward to every season in the garden and to the unique charms and qualities that each...

Feng Shui For Combined Living And Dining Spaces

"Feng Shui is all about improving the energy in our living spaces – to create a 'just...

The Science Of Christmas Lights

Christmas lights are the most recognizable sign of the season. These lights seem to warm up...

Perfect Gifts For The Cubicle-Bound

For the office-bound worker, little luxuries can make a big difference in morale and productivity....

Making Sustainable, DIY Chanuka Lamps

The Jewish festival of Chanuka takes place every year around the time of the winter solstice....