
6 Amazing Waffle Makers

The waffle has been around in some form since the 10th century and it’s origins are...

New England Design & Decor Elements

As a New England design blogger, I’ve done my share of posts about my local environment...

Habitat Fragmentation Is For The Birds

Of approximately 10,000 bird species worldwide, an estimated 13 percent are threatened with...

Building Your Own Bamboo Bike Trailer

Gabor Lukacs of Amherst, MA believes we can go beyond sustainability to a place of &ldquo...

Built Garden Structures In The South

For me the best gardens have a sense of place. Structures and plants can provide cues to what...

Beginning To Keep Goats At Home

If you have room for goats, farmer Marty Johnson in Fort Bragg, California highly recommends...

Designer Picks: Outdoor Barware

Relaxing with friends and family on a hot summer’s day is a time-honored tradition. Whether...

7 Weird Home Decor Items

Most of us just want pretty regular stuff in our homes. Sure, you'll find a couch that "suits...