Windows & Doors

Burglar-proofing Your Door And Doorframe

Unlike the elaborate tunneling operations of bank heist movies, most home burglars in real...

Translucent, But Not Transparent, Glass Options

From front entryways to shower doors, there are many reasons you might need glass that offers...

Making Skylights More Energy-Efficient

A skylight may seem like a sustainability no-brainer. It provides daytime lighting year-round,...

Insulating Oddly-Shaped Windows

New energy-efficient windows may be a good investment in some cases, but oddly shaped windows...

Autumn Storm Window Guide

If the onset of cooler fall weather is reminding you of how much your old windows failed to...

Interior Shutters

Interior window shutters, as opposed to exterior shutters, are generally used for decorative...

Comparing Energy Efficiency Of Windows

Looking to replace your old windows? Here's good news. Energy Star has instituted a higher...

How To Fix Condensation On Inside Of Windows

Window condensation could become a bigger problem than it shows on the surface. The excess...