Pest Control

Found Termites In Roof

Termites are insects, closely related to cockroaches, but behaviorally similar to ants and...

Does Bed Bug Heat Treatment Work?

Bed bugs seem innocent enough. The adults are commonly described as "apple seeds with legs."...

Is Your Roof Ready For Fall?

The equinox has passed. It's officially fall here in the Northern Hemisphere, and while you...

July 2013 Bed Bug News Roundup

July has been a big month for bed bug infestations this year. If your skin is not already crawling...

How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies In The Kitchen

Fruit flies are one of the less pleasant parts of summer. By now, a lot of you are probably...

Bedbug Bites Pictures

Warning: Don't eat while you look at these photos. These are some nasty bedbug bites pictures. These...

How To Control Garden Gophers

Gophers can be a serious threat in home gardens. They have a nasty reputation for pulling entire...

Photos Of Termites Wall Damage

Not sure if you have termites in your wall? See photos of what it looks like when there are...

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