Pest Control

Furnishings For Frequent Movers

Some folks live in the same place all their lives, while others change residence every few...

Unsavory Facts About (Ugh!) Mice

Many people have an instinctive dread of the house mouse, despite its small size and unaggressive...

Mosquito Bites: Natural Prevention And Treatment

Itchy, annoying mosquito bites can put a serious dent in your summer fun. What’s more,...

10 Innovative Uses For Chicken Wire

With a name like "chicken wire," you'd think this popular metal fencing product is a bit of...

Mouse Extermination Options

If you’ve got a mouse infestation in your home or apartment, you’ve got a...

Duck, Duck, GOOSE! Raising Waterfowl

Whether you want eggs, meat, a friendly face, or a guardian animal, ducks and geese are a great...

Does Orange Oil Work For Termites?

Yes, orange oil kills termites. Few pest control experts would dispute this basic claim....

Found Termites In Roof

Termites are insects, closely related to cockroaches, but behaviorally similar to ants and...

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