
49 Uses For Tea

I get through the sleepless days of being a stay-at-home dad, freelance writer and DIY remodeler...

Cheap Outdoor Carpet

Outdoor carpeting has come a long way from the days when all you could get was that kelly...

Wood Cleaning Tips

If your home has wood floors, then you’ll want to do everything you can to protect...

Zero Rez Carpet Cleaning

In an age when you can find an ecologically friendly version of almost every cleaning product,...

Tips For Removing Carpet Stains

Source: Flickr – Stephani Spitzer A carpet can both keep your feet warm and add...

Hardwood Floor Cleaning Tips

All floors were not created equal! Every floor type has its own special requirements for...

Concrete Floors

Concrete floors have been used for decades for commercial applications; most of those beautiful,...

What Is The Best Type Of Carpet For Allergy Sufferers?

Source: Flickr: OlympicNF Many people often find themselves coughing and sneezing. For some,...

Top Cities Covered by our Flooring Contractors