Maintenance & Tools

What To Know Before You Hang A Flat Screen TV

If you've ever been to Graceland, you've undoubtedly seen the TV room with its three televisions...

8 Really Good Tips For Hanging Curtains

Curtains add to the beauty of the room and are as important to the finished design as art and...

What's Wrong With Batt Insulation?

Fiberglass batts are the commonest insulation materials used in home building, yet the vast...

Fixing Drafty Windows The Common Sense Way

It's simple, but often ignored advice: Fix your drafty windows. You're paying for heat. Do...

Use The Right Anchor To Prevent Falling Art And Shelving

Ever try to hang a heavily-framed picture with a small brad nail, only to come home and find...

Is Tile Reglazing A Good Option?

We love do-it-yourself home projects. We also love recycling and repurposing products. Therefore,...

5 Behind-the-Scenes Parts Of Your Bathroom You Should Know About

Bathrooms are pretty complicated little rooms and are subject to more than their fair share...

So Your Basement Is Flooded...

Time is of the essence, so we’ll get right down to business. The first thing you have to...