Maintenance & Tools

Fixing A Broken Window Pane

Windows these days can be pretty high tech. It is not uncommon to see double and even triple...

Identifying A Bad Smell From The Radiator

Photo of pink vintage radiator by theogeo/Flickr. Ah, the sweet sensation of radiators...

When To Replace Your Baseboard Heater Covers

Photo credit: Hydronic baseboard heaters are a great way to heat...

Basic Interior Paint Maintenance

Few homeowners think about their paint until they want new colors. However, in the meantime,...

Lower Power Bills With Weatherstripping

Now that you've got the furnace going full-blast and you've seen your latest power bill, you...

How To Replace A Bathroom Vanity

Learning how to replace a bathroom vanity cabinet is a fairly easy DIY project with basic,...

How To Insulate A Crawl Space

Insulating a dirt crawl space can reduce your heating bill and keep your home’s floors...

Mold And Water Damage Remediation

Water damage can happen in many ways: sump pump stops working, the roof leaks, drains get...