Maintenance & Tools

Flood Abatement 101

Flood damage can have devastating and fast-acting effects on the structure of a home. Time...

What Salt Water Does To Houses

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, many people have flood damage on their minds. Hurricanes come...

Getting Jiggy With The Jigsaw

If you're interested in dabbling in a variety of DIY projects, and your budget has room for...

Using A Circular Saw Like A Pro

In terms of versatility, the circular saw is king among power saws, but it's also jack of all...

One Tool, Many Uses: Single Edge Razor

Single edge razors can be used for shaving, of course, but they have tons of other handy functions...

Types Of Screws & Their Proper Usage

You wouldn’t hang a small picture frame with a house nail or build a piece of furniture...

Home Inspections: Myths And Facts

‘Tis the season for home sales and with it comes the demand for home inspections –...

For Energy Efficiency, Replace Your Windows Last

When most people think about energy efficiency, once they stop talking about solar panels,...